GreenStream expert speaking in COP23 side event on Global Climate Action Agenda

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International Cooperative Climate Initiatives and Nordic Participation

Where: Nordic Pavilion (D.08), Bonn Zone, COP23

When: Monday 13.11.2017 at 12.00-13.00

This side event takes stock of the current situation and global coverage of international cooperative climate initiatives. We will discuss which initiatives the Nordic countries could endorse, in which way the Climate Initiatives Platform (CIP) and UNFCCC’s Non-State Actor Zone for Climate Action (NAZCA) platforms can promote the initiatives and how they could help to enhance NDCs.



Outi Leskelä, Coordinator, NOAK, Nordic Council of Ministers

Climate Initiative Platform (CIP) – Current status and future outlook

Philip Drost, Programme Officer, UN Environment

Nordic Participation in the Global Climate Action Agenda (GCAA)

Anna Laine, Senior Specialist, GreenStream

International Cooperative Climate Initiatives in NAZCA

James Grabert, Director of Sustainable Development Mechanisms programme / Lead of Global Climate Action, UNFCCC

NDC Partnership and Non-State Action

Robert Bradley, Knowledge and Research Director, NDC Partnership


Latest references

Opening China markets for Sarlin

GreenStream has opened China markets to many Finnish small and medium sized companies. One of the main technology partners at the moment is Sarlin.

Shangdong Guangjun Paper – annual energy savings up to 32 %

Annual savings:

Electricity saving: 1926.6 MWh
Water saving: 18495 m3
Steam saving: 2652 t
Standard coal: 1068 TCE
Emission reduction: 2766t CO2e

Energy Efficiency for Delong Steel

GreenStream’s project saved 15 % of the compressed air related electricity costs annually for Delong Steel’s Xingtai steel mill. The technology provider was Sarlin.