GreenStream: A Pioneer in Developing the Carbon Offset Market in China

As has been widely reported, GreenStream is proud to play a pioneering role in developing an offset market in China. GreenStream has executed emission reduction purchase agreements for approximately 1.2 million CCERs and plans to increase this portfolio ten-fold during 2013. The creation and use of this offset mechanism, approved by the N...

GreenStream’s efforts to develop energy efficiency business in China recognized at Northern Future Forum 2013

GreenStream’s efforts to develop energy efficiency business in China for cleantech SME’s were recognized at Northern Future Forum 2013.

Demand in a Fragmented Global Carbon Market: Outlook and Policy Options

The report Demand in a Fragmented Global Carbon Market: Outlook and Policy Options conducted by GreenStream together with Climate Focus for NOAK, a working group under the Nordic Council of Ministers has been published.

GreenStream Network appointed as trustee to sell 2,775 million EUAs on behalf of the Danish state

GreenStream has been chosen by the Danish state to sell 2,775 million Phase 2 EU Allowances.

GreenStream and TM System Finland Oy announce strategic cooperation in Chinese energy efficiency market

GreenStream Network and TM System Finland Oy, the Finnish industrial energy efficiency company are pleased to announce a strategic partnership designed to enhance energy efficiency opportunities in China.

GreenStream is chosen as the Broker of the Year 2012

GreenStream Network is very delighted of being voted as the Best Broker 2012 – Renewable energy certificates – Europe amongst an increasing number of competitors.

GreenStream Network Plc brings together key China stakeholders at COP18

GreenStream Network, in conjunction with Cleantech Finland, is proud to host the “Workshop on China”, to be held on 5 December 2012 during COP18 in Doha.

GreenStream Takes a Leadership Position in the Development of Global Climate Markets

GreenStream is proud to announce its participation as a founding member of the Business-Partnership for Market Readiness (“B-PMR”) established by the International Emissions Trading Association

Jussi Nykänen is the new CEO of GreenStream

Markku Ahponen has stepped down from his role as CEO of the Company and Dr. Jussi Nykänen will take the responsibilities of CEO with immediate effect.