GreenStream expert speaking in COP23 side event on Global Climate Action Agenda

This side event takes stock of the current situation and global coverage of international cooperative climate initiatives.

Raportti: Suomi tarvitsee strategisen otteen vesiosaamisen kehittämisen ja kansainvälistymisen vauhdittamiseksi

Vaikuttavuusinvestoinnin rahoitusmallia voitaisiin soveltaa mm. Itämeren rehevöitymisen hallintaan, vesihuollon automatisointiin, ravinteiden kierrätykseen sekä viennin vauhdittamiseen.

GreenStream Network appointed lead consultant in high-profile EBRD effort to develop a green financing system for Kazakhstan

An expert team led by GreenStream Network has been chosen by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development as consultant for a study on developing a green financing system in Kazakhstan.

GreenStream tukee Suomen hallitusta Pariisin ilmastosopimuksen jatkotyössä

GreenStream Networkin vetämä konsortio on valittu tukemaan Suomen hallituksen työtä Pariisin ilmastosopimuksen jatkoneuvotteluissa ja sopimuksen velvoitteisiin varautumisessa vuonna 2016.

GreenStream in winning consortium aiming at improving GHG reporting in Africa

The European Commission, DG Climate Action has launched a new project titled “Capacity building on monitoring, reporting and verifications (MRV) of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and actions in developing countries”. GreenStream Network is member of the leading consortium.

GreenStream as co-writer in the report “the Use of Economic Instruments in the Nordic Environmental Policy 2010-2013”

GreenStream has conducted a study, in cooperation with Copenhagen Economics and Environice, on the use of economic instruments in environmental policy and environmentally harmful subsidies in the Nordic countries.

Kiinan päästökauppa käynnistyy

Kiinan päästökauppajärjestelmän ensimmäinen pilotti aloittaa 18.6.2013. GreenStream on ensimmäisenä suomalaisyrityksenä mukana kehittämässä Kiinan päästökauppajärjestelmän päästövähennyshankkeita.

GreenStream: A Pioneer in Developing the Carbon Offset Market in China

As has been widely reported, GreenStream is proud to play a pioneering role in developing an offset market in China. GreenStream has executed emission reduction purchase agreements for approximately 1.2 million CCERs and plans to increase this portfolio ten-fold during 2013. The creation and use of this offset mechanism, approved by the N...

Demand in a Fragmented Global Carbon Market: Outlook and Policy Options

The report Demand in a Fragmented Global Carbon Market: Outlook and Policy Options conducted by GreenStream together with Climate Focus for NOAK, a working group under the Nordic Council of Ministers has been published.